We are Scotland’s home for Person-Centered Therapy (PCT).
The Association for Person Centred Therapy (Scotland), known as PCT Scotland, was founded in 1987. Our members are mostly qualifed counsellors, though membership is also open to student counsellors, retired counsellors, and some other affiliates. Members live and work throughout Scotland.
Our focus is to support the person-centred approach to counselling, and mutually to support each other as person-centred counsellors. Through collective action, we promote activities and events that enable members to share experiences and pursue their interests related to the approach. We live and work in widespread and diverse locations across the country, and so an important function of PCT Scotland is supporting connection with each other through our interactive website and regular e-bulletins. We also host a Directory of Counsellors, thus drawing attention to the counselling services offered by our members.
We have four aims:
To maintain and raise standards for Person Centred therapy, and to explore ways of further developing the Approach.
To provide support for Person Centred therapists in Scotland and in particular, to provide opportunities for their ongoing professional and personal development (PPD) through shared experience, and providing and promoting training and networking opportunities
To make Person Centred therapy available throughout Scotland, delivered by trained and supervised therapists.
To extend the understanding of the Person Centred approach and to promote public awareness of the existence and scope of Person Centred therapy.
As a membership association, and in keeping with the Person Centred Approach, PCT Scotland is governed and managed collectively by its members. Strategic, and most operational decisions are made by consensus at Coordinating Group (CG) meetings. The CG is not a standing group; it comprises at any time those members who wish to be actively involved with the association's processes. All members are entitled to belong to the CG on a self-selecting basis and are therefore entitled to attend any meeting and to contribute to the decision making of the association. CG meetings are facilitated on the day by a member attending the meeting. PCT Scotland also has two elected post-holders, a secretary and a treasurer, who undertake day-to-day administrative matters.
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Links with other organisations:
PCT Scotland also has active links with other UK based and international organisations and co-operates with them in the promotion of the Person Centred approach. We are presently organisational members of both PCE Europe (European Network for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling) and WAPCEPC (World Association for Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling).